Life Insurance Business

"Malaysia’s life insurance business is expected to grow by 9% to 10% in 2013" - LIAM

Critical Illness Coverage

Do you need critical illness cover (also known as 36 dread diseases cover)?

Increasing Medical Cost

Healthcare costs in Malaysia increases about 10% every year - approximately double the inflation rate.

2 out of 3 people will be diagnosed with Critical Illness

If you think that the premium is high, what about the cash needed for a critical illness?

Get to know us today!

“In the next 5 years, without changing our current situation, can we achieve the time, money and lifestyle that we want?”

Friday, August 31, 2018

[视频] 保险知多少 - GST, SST, 医药费

GST 没有了 SST 来了

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

[视频] 保险知多少 - 不要乱乱讲话 (YouTuber 吐槽真实案例)
