Life Insurance Business

"Malaysia’s life insurance business is expected to grow by 9% to 10% in 2013" - LIAM

Critical Illness Coverage

Do you need critical illness cover (also known as 36 dread diseases cover)?

Increasing Medical Cost

Healthcare costs in Malaysia increases about 10% every year - approximately double the inflation rate.

2 out of 3 people will be diagnosed with Critical Illness

If you think that the premium is high, what about the cash needed for a critical illness?

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“In the next 5 years, without changing our current situation, can we achieve the time, money and lifestyle that we want?”

Monday, June 17, 2013

Revolutionary Way to Run Life Insurance Business

Few industries outside of the financial services industry offer the potential for relatively inexperienced professionals to make significant income within their first year of employment. Within the financial services industry itself, few careers match the opportunity for as quick and large a paycheck as does being a life insurance agent. In fact, a hard-working insurance agent can easily earn more than $100,000 in his or her first year of sales.

But, success as an insurance agent doesn't come without a cost. Insurance agents hear "no" far more than they hear "yes". It's not uncommon for the "no" to come mixed with a fair amount of obscenities and the proverbial door in the face.

With the Revolutionary Way of running Life Insurance as a Business, Buss Consulting (M) Sdn Bhd has designed and restructure the reward structure to allow hardworking Life Insurance Businessperson to earn more as they progress - with the guidance of a Proven Success System.